The benefits of electric double diaphragm pumps compared to peristaltic (roller) pumps

The benefits of the QUANTM electric operated double diaphragm pump compared to peristaltic pumps.


While peristaltic pumps or roller pumps are widely used and trusted for a variety of applications, users tend to be frustrated at the pumps’ significant footprint and high maintenance costs. Graco’s QUANTM electric operated double diaphragm (EODD) pumps offer an innovative and unique solution to these issues.


Peristaltic (roller) pumps

Peristaltic pumps or roller pumps are frequently used in a variety of industries such as: food and beverage manufacturing, chemical metering/dispensing, water metering and transfer, pulp and paper, and the concrete industry. However, peristaltic pumps do still suffer from a range of problems.


  • Limited hose life
    The flexible hose used in roller pumps tends to degrade with time, particularly when used with abrasives. Unless the unit is equipped with an expensive leak protection feature, rupture of the hose can cause leaks, leading to hazardous situations and contamination of the pumped fluid. Because of this, hoses need to be replaced frequently.
  • Larger footprint
    Peristaltic pumps take up a lot of space, particularly when it comes to higher flow rates. Compared to EODD pumps, peristaltic pumps require a much larger footprint to achieve the same flow rates.
  • Pulsed flow
    Roller pumps do not have a smooth and consistent flow. When the rollers are released, liquid back suction occurs, causing a sudden reduction in the discharge of the liquid. Getting rid of these pulses is expensive: It requires the installation of a dual pump head style unit to achieve natural pulse offset or the use of pulsation dampeners.

Graco QUANTM EODD pumps

When compared to a traditional peristaltic pump, Graco’s QUANTM pump provides the same flow rate but at a lower price, which over its lifetime can lead to significant savings. Take a look at the benefits:


  • Reduced maintenance costs
    Diaphragms generally cost less than large hoses. In addition, diaphragms typically outlast hoses when running at similar speeds and in similar fluid applications, with a product life span reaching up to five times that of peristaltic pump hoses. Less maintenance, at a lower cost.
  • Small footprint
    The QUANTM EODD is extremely compact, so it takes up minimal space on the work floor. Roller pumps require a much larger footprint to achieve the same flow rates.
  • Stalls under pressure
    One of the key advantages of the QUANTM pump is that it is the only electric double diaphragm pump on the market that stalls under pressure without external sensors. This eliminates the risk of damaging the pump or pipeline when it is blocked or a valve is closed.
  • Low pulsation
    QUANTM pumps shine in applications that require lower pulsation and a smoother flow. The pulsation still exists but because of the cycle rate of the Double Diaphragm pumps in play, the pulses are less perceivable or impactful on the process.


These are the QUANTM electric double diaphragm (EODD) pump benefits in a nutshell

Peristaltic (roller) pumps Graco QUANTM EODD pumps
High operating costs for large flow rates Low operating costs, even for large flow rates
Limited hose life Diaphragms last up to 5x longer than hose
High maintenance costs for hose repair Easy to repair at low cost
Large footprint Smaller footprint
Pulsation Low pulsation, smooth flow
Unable to stall under pressure Stalls under pressure


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